In Loving and Respected Memory of

Richard Bowlby, UEL

abt. 1719 - 1818
You, split apart by an ocean from your mother and many siblings as a child, and split apart again by war and more extra-ordinary danger as an adult, are a survivor!

Your convictions to your loyalty to the King, for whom you held office, and the dangers that were to face you and your family, must have been a painful one for you to make.  Your choice, to struggle in great wilderness, separating from children, facing unknown and still untold dangers in this time of war, produced strong and plentiful descendants across Canada and the United States.

We respect and thank you for your choice, and marvel at the challenge and hardship you faced. 

Our Family re-unites, across the years and struggles, to honor your memory, forever grateful the Lord shared you on this Earth, and saw to it you survived and and your descendants flourished.

Sponsor:  Cynthia Katzman Bowlby 7/2000
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